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  • 31、How to import product reviews from CJ to WooCommerce store?

    So far, you can import product reviews from CJ to the WooCommerce store.

    Here are the steps:

    (1) Find the product and go to the product page;

    (2) Choose Woocommerce store;

    (3) Click "Reviews" to check the details;

    (4) Click "Yes" to import reviews and select the levels. 

  • 32、Can I take any products on this site and sell them on Facebook?

    Yes, you can import CJ products to your store. When you receive orders, they will be fulfilled by CJ. We offer blind dropshipping and can ship the orders to your customers worldwide.  

    Recently, we cooperated with WED2C, you can also share the product on your Facebook or any other social platform

  • 33、How can I start a dropshipping business as a newbie?

    The answer is WED2C.
    Easy to start with 0 costs! Make your profit with One-Click sharing!  

  • 34、Do you have any hot-selling products at Holloween 2020?

    Halloween is coming soon. We have prepared Costumes, Decorations, and Props for you. Go and find the hottest product.   

  • 35、What can I do if I failed to authorize my WooCommerce?

    For "incorrect 'key' or 'secret'", you need new keys at WooCommerce >> Settings >> Advanced >> REST API. Then, authorize WooCommerceto CJ again.

    Please submit a Ticket to CJ Management Team with your WooCommerce login URL, username, and password if you are having difficulties with the authorization.

  • 36、What if I accidentally deleted a product in my store?

    1. Find the tutorial here:listed product on CJ

    2. Delete it from the 'Listed' category;

    3. List again.

  • 37、Top 100 Best Sellers in October

    CJ has shared the top 100 products in the video. What to Dropship in October?

  • 38、Why I can't see my products on CJ?

    All products synced to CJ have to be published in your store before. CJ will not sync deleted, removed, or unpublished products. 

    If you cannot find your store products on CJ, please check the product status in your store and make sure they are listed or launched already. 

  • 39、Why listing to Shopify failed?

    There's a limit on how many Variants each product can have on Shopify. When you failed to list products to Shopify on CJ or other listing tools, please check if: 

    1. It exceeds the limit of 100 variants per Product;

    2. It exceeds the current limit of 1,000 variants each day, when your shop already has 50,000 variants. 

  • 40、Are there any popular but free Dropshipping Supplier Websites for me to choose from if I want to source products?

    There are major three free and popular websites that we would like to recommend to you. 

    1. CJ Dropshipping

    2. Aliexpress

    3. Printify

    Websites like Spocket, Salehoo, and Inventory Source are also popular but need to pay for use. For more details, please check here.

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